Wednesday, January 21, 2009

End of marking period 1/20-1/23

1. Submit SOKOL entries (also Gannon, Lelia Tupper)

2. Work on personal narrative (2-3 pages) in the style of David Sedaris. Select a humorous incident from your own life. Inject observations about life, interesting digressions and thoughts. Do not be afraid to enhance the story/anecdote with "the craft of writing"--hyperbole (exaggeration), witty commentary, clever quips, sarcasm, etc.

3. Continue reading David Sedaris to get a sense of the style. We will discuss on Friday.


5. No midterm

Monday, January 12, 2009

Monday, Jan. 12 Me Talk Pretty

1. Pick up books from library

2. Read through page 38 (first 3 essays for Thursday)

3. Your review of A Prayer for the Dying is DUE

4. Your 2nd person short story is DUE

5. Your Sokol entries (1/23), Gannon (2/6), and Lelia Tupper/Alfred university (1/31)

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Week of 1/6 and 1/8 Prayer for the Dying/2nd person story

1/6-- Read Elizabeth's short story and discuss.

Work on contest entries and finish 2nd person short story. Test on Prayer for the Dying.

1/8--Prayer for the Dying test/ take home essay.