Wednesday, November 5, 2008

11/5 Acceptance/Concession speeches

1. Listen to Obama's acceptance speech and McCain's concession speech. think about the fact that both speeches were written for the two men by WRITERS. actually, the writers wrote two speeches that both men looked over during the past week and commented on and revised with the writers.
Aften listening to these speeches, post a personal response regarding what you felt was the most compelling aspect of the speeches--what words, phrases, moments stand out in your mind? What was the overall effect of the speech upon you, the listener?

2. POETRY CYCLE PROPOSAL: Please hand in an outlined or narrative proposal regarding your poetry cycle. What will it be about? Any thoughts about a title? A chronology? Key moments that might become poems? Is it based on your life? the life of a historical character? a totally imagined set of characters and situations?

This should be a PLAN FOR YOUR PROJECT that you can follow!

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